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One Stop Phone Shop

One Stop Phone Shop Reviews

Reviews on One Stop Phone Shop

Name: Ash Site Rating=1
Absolutely AWFUL! Message=I used to like this company, they were pretty good but now they are worse than awful. If you think you'll save some moeny by taking one of their deals you wont! It will cost you far more in hassle, time and money. Out of the last 3 contarct phones I have taken out with them they have not paid out cashback on any despite following thri guidelines. Customer service and post care sale service is notoiously bad. They dont wont to know after they have your money and you are sure as anything not likely to be given your cashback. They will use any excuse. They will give you stress, hassle but never the money you are owed. AVOID - Losing your wallet is a better way to use your money than deal with them. I will NEVER use again!

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